
Digestright - Testimonial

"My son who has autism has had diarrhea non-stop since birth. I finally figured out he had a sucrose and carbohydrate intolerance. The enzymes caused him to have severe regressions(hyper activity) and watery stools that smelled like gasoline for 3 weeks and now he is no longer stimming. His concentration is amazing and he is speaking now(He was mostly non-verbal). I think his body is starting to heal his gut and he suddenly is starting to get muscle tone. He was very weak and lethargic all the time with dark circles under his eyes. They have cleared up and he seems os much happier."

- By Daisy Bonebright on December 23, 2012


"My child has digestive issues and is waiting to get evaluated for autism. To help aid him in this trouble area, I began giving him these enzymes, and to my surprise they have regulated his bowel movements. I believe that by taking these enzymes he receives the nutritional contents of his meals, and his mood has improved. I give him 2 enzymes with meals, 1 with snacks. I would recommend adding Houston Enzymes "No Fenol" if your child eats fruit. It will aid in that digestion."

- By Angel on June 6, 2014